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Attracting And Repelling 

November 12 2021

The importance of knowing why we do what we do in a business or work

Recently I was very privileged to do some free coaching training with the very generous and inspiring Claire MacPherson of Soul-led business coaching by Claire Macpherson in UK
She talked about success motivators and what drives a person to do what they do. I’m writing this blog as my top success motivators were not at all what I thought they would be. I found it really beneficial to explore what motivates me in my work and I think others will find this beneficial too.

The seven success motivators that Claire talked about are:-
* Making a difference 
* Money
* Recognition 
* Leaving a legacy
* Passion and joy
* Time freedom
* Growth and evolution 

When Claire was talking about these seven points I assumed money and time freedom would be my top two drivers. After going through the process she shared with us I was pleasantly surprised to find they weren’t! 
It was also very interesting to look at the reasons behind my motivators and check whether or not they were healthy. This also determines whether you are attracting or repelling clients/customers/business.
   I analysed my top three motivators and checked in with the other four. My top motivator, the one that really drives me, is passion and joy. It’s a healthy driver because I want to earn a living having fun, doing the things that bring me joy. This will echo through in what I do and what I offer. If it’s fun and enjoyable and exciting to me, that energy is only going to be projected to other people. And I feel that’s a high vibrational place to be working from and to channel into what I create.

My second top motivator for success was growth and evolution. I found that was quite healthy because I have a need learning, innovation, new ideas and progression. If use my imagination. This is quite important to me. I love new ideas and inventing things. That has to be the Aquarian in me. I feel if it were an unhealthy driver, then growth and evolution would come from not ever feeling good enough. Failing at school or not succeeding in an area you wanted to, so you strive to learn to prove yourself. This wouldn’t be a totally bad thing if that were the case though. Once you realise that, you could heal it and turn it into a positive and use that trait in yourself to your advantage. But to carry on working in this energy of failure, or trying to prove yourself, could repel clients rather than attract them.
Yet knowledge is Power. Learning this about yourself could free you of that limiting belief and better align your energy with what it is you are trying to create.

My third top motivator was money. I thought it might have been a more unhealthier drive then it turned out to be. I feel the drive to earn good money is about stability, more choices and no stress. I have lived in scarcity though but I think it’s given me a healthy thirst for security and some luxuries in life such as nice holidays. There is an element of control there though, so it could be I’m somewhere between healthy and unhealthy when it comes to money as a motivator for success. If it were a scale of 1 to 10, with unhealthy been 1 and healthy being 10, 
I think I’d put it at five or six. That said, I feel it’s quite an empowering element of control as it’s because I want to look after myself and my daughter. It’s about financial independence and security. Earning enough to provide for us both comfortably.

I was quite surprised making a difference wasn’t higher up on my list. I have a passion for wanting to help people, but it didn’t end up in my top three motivators for success.
   Reading through this can you see how our core beliefs behind what drives us, have the potential to attract or repel clients, or those would like to work with?

Creative Energy

November 13 2021 

Following on from the last blog about attracting and repelling, I realised I missed out something quite important I know about myself and the energy I channel into my work.

  My top driver or success motivator is passion and joy. And this is the reason I work the way I do. I don’t take orders or requests for certain items (I do of course try to accommodate) because for me, that bit of pressure or a deadline, can start to take the fun out of it. I create what I want, when I want, so that you always get the purest of high vibrational energy in the items/soaps I create. David Bowie famously once said, the minute you start to work for other people, is when you start to lose yourself. When you work for you in the area that inspires you, this is when people generally create their best work. As you’re not trying to live up to other peoples expectations or condensing yourself into a box. Never play to the gallery. And always, always try to step slightly out of your comfort zone. Not so far out that you drown in fear, but just far enough to excite you and propel you into inspired action.Claire Macpherson describes this theory like an archery board. So there’s a circle in the middle, with two rings round it. The circle in the middle is your comfort zone. The outer ring is the freak out zone. The first ring (around the circle in the middle) is your stretch zone. And this is the zone you want to be working in to produce your best work. The stretch zone. So slightly out of your comfort zone but not so far that it sends you into freak out mode. 
The energy we channel into what we do is so important when it comes to attracting and repelling customers or clients and for our own creative freedom. We do all work very differently though. Other people might be excited and passionate about creating commissioned items. And if that’s the case, their number one driver for success probably comes from a need to help people - making a difference. For me personally I feel that crushes my creativity a little. My best comes through when I’m working for me, for the pure joy of it.

Out of chaos, creation is born

November 14 2021

If everything around you right now is feeling chaotic and life feels like it’s going to shit, take comfort in the wisdom that creation is born from chaos.

Creation comes after destruction. Have you ever noticed, at your weakest, lowest moments, when life feels so dark and you don’t know how you’ll get back up; massive transformation occurs in you not long after.Kerry Dawes calls these times ‘tower moments’. Likening them to the energy of the tower card in tarot. This is the point where everything comes crashing down around you.In these moments we often completely lose control. And this is what’s needed. To surrender. To just step back and think fuck it, there’s nothing I can do! This tends to happen to us when we’re not quite on the right path. The universe rips it all away from under us, as there’s a new opportunity winging its way toward us, that we wouldn’t have been aware of if we hadn’t been stripped bare and completely let go of control. These real low points usually bring about massive growth within us too. Affirming to the universe what we really want, from the chaos of what we don’t want.  What follows is often a beautiful transformation or awakening with us, much like a butterfly unfolding from the darkness of the cocoon. 
This energy is similar to that of a bulldozer coming in and completely wrecking a building or area. It’s chaotic and messy. But what follows? Things are cleaned up and something beautiful is usually born from that mess and all the debris.Have you ever cleaned and reorganised a room and stood back halfway through to think “woah, what a mess!” Wondering how the heck you’re going to declutter and reorganise things. Usually wishing you’d never started!Well what happens next? You let go, surrender and plough through the mess. And afterwards, you step back, survey your work and the transformation that’s taken place, with a huge sense of pride and achievement. 
Take comfort in knowing creation is born from chaos, order out of mess and this new energy sweeping through usually brings about calm and clarity.